Subsidised Training
Under NSW Smart and Skilled Initiative

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02 8896 2036
9am to 5pm
Monday to Friday

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What is Smart and Skilled?

Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW vocational education and training system. It’s helping people get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.
Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with:

Am I eligible for subsidised training?

As a condition of your enrolment you are required to give Signature Training your Unique Student Identifier (USI). For more information about the USI click here, or to create your USI visit this link.


For all approved Smart and Skilled qualifications Signature Training requires your consent for the Department of Education and Communities (the Department) to be given your Personal Information that may also be disclosed to other Australian government agencies. You will be asked to complete a consent to use and disclosure of Personal Information to the Department of Education and Communities and other Government Agencies form.

Fees apply for your selected course. The fee amount you pay and the government contribution is dependent on your eligibility.

Fees have been set by the NSW Government for training providers and Signature Training must charge the student as determined from the data you have provided to us. Depending on your eligibility you may be charged the Standard Student – First Qualification fee, Standard Student – Subsequent Qualification fee or Concession fee for disadvantaged students.

If you are an Australian Government welfare recipient we will need documentation from you that will assist us in calculating your fee.

The direct link to NSW Smart and Skilled schedule of fees can be accessed at:

You are eligible to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT). Should your application for RPL and or CT be approved by Signature Training, following the Standards for Registered Training Organisations and the NSW Recognition Framework, the outcomes will be entered to determine any reduction in the course Fee.

RPL is an assessment process assessing your competence against the competency standards you seek recognition for with the provision of evidence. Please contact Signature Training if you wish to apply for RPL prior to enrolling.

CT applies when you can provide a Certificate, Statement of Attainment or transcript that has recorded the same unit code and title of a unit included in the enrolled course. You will be asked to provide a copy of your document, which has been witnessed by a JP as having sighted the original, as evidence of your seeking CT. Please contact Signature Training if you wish to apply for CT prior to enrolling.

  • CHC43015 – Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • CHC33021 – Certificate III in Individual Support
  • CHC43121 – Certificate IV in Disability Support
  • CHC30121 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  • CHC53315 – Diploma of Mental Health
  • CHC52021 – Diploma of Community Services
  • CHC50121 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
  • SIT50422 – Diploma of Hospitality Management
  • SIT30622 – Certificate III in Hospitality
  • SIT40422 – Certificate IV in Hospitality
  • SIR30216 – Certificate III in Retail
  • CPP30321 – Certificate III in Cleaning Operations
  • BSB50420 – Diploma of Leadership and Management

Deferring or Discontinuing Subsidised Training

Consumer Protection Strategy

All Smart and Skilled students and potential students (consumers) have the right to expect that the training they receive is consistent with the national VET regulator’s requirements (the Australian Skills Quality Authority) and the requirements of the Smart and Skilled contract.

The Consumer Protection Strategy:

•defines the rights and obligations of students and consumers with respect to their training under Smart and Skilled

•defines the consumer protection obligations of a training provider with a Smart and Skilled contract
•explains the measures the NSW Department of Education (the Department) has implemented to protect the rights of students receiving training under Smart and Skilled
•describes the Smart and Skilled complaints handling and dispute resolution process
•lists other agencies that may assist in the complaints handling process.

Consumer contacts Training Services NSW

If a consumer cannot resolve their complaint with their training provider then they contact Training Services NSW by

•applying online

•phone on 1300 772 104

•in person at a Training Services NSW regional office

Policies & Procedures

Signature Training College’s policies and procedures cover a range of categories, and may apply to students, staff and visitors to the campus.

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Useful Links & Forms

This page provides all the links to useful documents and forms curated from internal and external sources for STC students and staff members.

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Support services

Need help with airport pick-up or finding the right home and community? Our experts and partners can help you settle down with ease in no time.

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